Senior Citizen Safety

At the Greensburg Police Department we recognize that, although persons over 65 are victims of crime less frequently than younger people, seniors are more vulnerable to certain crimes. Purse snatching, mugging, and various types of fraud are examples of crimes committed against the elderly. Seniors are the most frequent victims of home improvement fraud.

What can you do to protect yourself from these crimes?

  • Keep informed about the latest con schemes by reading the newspaper
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Don’t rush into anything. Check with family, lawyers, police department before committing to services, investments, charities or any request for money.
  • Be wary of aggressive or unsolicited home repair or home improvement sales representative.
    • Roof repair
    • Gutter replacement
    • Chimney repair
    • Storm damage repair
    • Tree services
    • Driveway resurface
    • Flooring replacement
  • Never provide social security number, credit card numbers, and bank account numbers to unknown individuals requesting this information over the phone or Internet.
  • Keep doors locked at all times, even during the daylight hours.
  • Never let strangers into your home without checking their identification. Call their company if you have doubts.
  • Don’t hide your house key under the front door mat or other obvious places.
  • Stay in touch with friends or family on a regular basis.
  • Arrange for regular checks to be sent directly to bank instead of your home.
  • Avoid carrying or displaying large sums of money.
  • Never sign a check or contract until you know it’s legitimate.
  • Don’t resist an attacker after your purse or other valuables.
  • Lock your car door when traveling.
  • Never leave your purse/wallet unattended in a shopping cart.
  • Report any suspicious activity or person to the Greensburg Police Department

If uncertain, err on the side of caution and call the police.