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On August 17, 1871 the city purchased a hook and ladder and 50 rubber buckets. October 19, 1871 the city had residents place barrels at the downspouts of their homes. It wasn’t until 1874 that GFD was established, and was comprised of volunteers and a single hand pulled engine at South Broadway. On August 26, 1874 they requested to purchase a steam pumper “The Latta” which was horse drawn. October 3, 1874 Arthur Hutchinson was elected and became the first Fire Chief of GFD. October 23, 1874 the first fire company was organized and was called the “Bash Wilson Fire Co. #1”. October 27, 1874 Hook and Ladder Co. #1 completed its organization.

December 18, 1874 Alfred Isaacs employed as first working engineer and lamp-lighter. January 24, 1878 fire alarm boxes located through-out the city. In 1922 the first motor powered truck was purchased and we became a career department. Our second truck was purchased in 1930 and we also began running Washington Township emergencies. In 1949, Washington Township purchased a truck to be stationed at GFD. On April 12, 1951 the “Minear’s Fire” that swept the West side of the public square and caused $600,000 ($60,000,000 today) worth of damage, prompted the purchase of our first ladder truck, a 1953 Maxim 55’ aerial.

GFD moved into its current location at 528 N. Ireland St. in 1975 from its original location at 109 S. Broadway St. It was named Larry D. Filler Station 1 in honor of our fallen brother who collapsed from a medical incident in the back parking lot while he was on duty on August 5, 1985. Due to Honda Manufacturing coming to Greensburg in 2008, we were able to hire 6 additional personnel bringing our roster up to 31, and create a satellite station on site at Honda. We provide 1 firefighter dedicated to Honda 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. On December 15, 2016 we added Station 2 at 201 S. Broadway. This single engine house was dedicated to our fallen brother Norman D. Stuart Station 2 on August 19, 2017. Norman was responding to a vehicle fire in Engine 8 with Chief Clark in the officer’s seat, and was involved in a vehicle accident which lead to his passing on January 18, 1988.