Make sure to join our team at our public outreach events this summer! Visit the City's Calendar or Yodel to view the schedule:

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FD Chief Nathan StoermerThe Greensburg Fire Department Education Program

The Greensburg Fire Department is committed to keeping our community safe. We are dedicated to prevent our citizens from fire and injury and strive to give them the tools to make their homes and businesses a safe haven. We offer several education and training programs to fulfill this mission and we would like you to take advantage of them. Although some of these programs are geared towards children we also encourage adults to participate. Parents are the first educators and are able to persuade safe practices in the home with their children; therefore adults are welcome to join with the youth in learning. Fire-safe kids grow to be fire conscious adults and everyone can benefit from the knowledge of safety.

Currently, we offer fire station tours, fire safety house visits, severe weather education, juvenile firestop program, fire extinguisher training, and CPR certification. We also provide free smoke detectors, installed in your residence, to those individuals who can’t afford one. Please access this form to contact us so we can best serve you.

Complete the form below if you would like more information: