Department Info

Administrative Division

The Administrative Division of the Greensburg Police Department consists of the Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of Police, Patrol Captain, and Administrative Assistant. These positions are vital for ensuring that the day-to-day operations of the police department run smoothly.

Some of their responsibilities include maintaining data entry standards for criminal investigations, traffic accidents, and other local documentation. They coordinate community outreach programs and help to schedule the rotation of equipment for the officers. The administrators regularly attend various city meetings to discuss the business of the police department and further advocate for growing the police department to best serve the community’s needs.

The Chief of Police is selected by the Mayor of Greensburg and serves at his or her discretion. The Assistant Chief of Police and Patrol Captain are selected by the Chief of Police and serve at his or her discretion.

Patrol Division

UTVThe Patrol Division of the Greensburg Police Department is the most recognizable division within the police department. Officers on patrol are in full uniform and are driving marked police vehicles. Currently, it is made up of 18 officers split among an A-Shift and B-Shift. Each shift is led by a Lieutenant and Sergeant who are supported by seven patrol officers.

The Patrol Division is responsible for covering the City of Greensburg 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These officers respond to the simplest citizen calls for service to the most dangerous crimes. When not responding to calls officers actively engage in proactive policing practices.

When a new officer hires on to the Greensburg Police Department they will be assigned to the Patrol Division upon successful completion of the department’s Field Training Program and Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.

Once assigned to a shift officers of the Patrol Division are encouraged to seek out specialty roles and specialized training to better serve the community. These areas include:

  • Criminal Interdiction                                                        
  • Drug Recognition Expert
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Bike Patrol
  • Crisis Negotiation
  • Tactical Response Team
  • Field Training Officer

And many more….

GPD currently has one K9 assigned to the patrol division. K9 Kato is partnered with Officer Jacob Mays.

Aside from assigned patrol vehicles the Patrol Division also has access to a department UTV. The UTV is fully marked and equipped with emergency lights and sirens. The UTV can be used to get officers quickly into an area where a standard police car cannot go. It also allows officers to be mobile during community events.

Investigations Division

The Greensburg Police Department Investigations Division regularly receives calls for service from the Patrol Division that require a more thorough investigation. They are also responsible for handling major crime scenes and coordinating the on-scene investigation.

Detectives regularly investigate property crimes, such as theft, burglary, and financial crimes. Personal crimes, such as battery and robbery. Death investigations, including homicide, suicide, and accidental deaths. Domestic violence crimes, such as battery, confinement, and violation of protection orders.

Detectives go on to receive extensive training in specialties, including death investigation, crime scene investigation, drug, and undercover investigations, and interview and interrogation. This ensures that the City of Greensburg has the most capable investigators ready for any situation.

School Resource Division

The School Resource Division of the Greensburg Police Department consists of three full-time School Resource Officers. A School Resource Officer (SRO) is a sworn law enforcement officer who works in a school environment. SROs are trained to provide a safe environment for both teachers and students. SROs work with students to help educate and mentor them so they can learn to make good choices in any situation. SROs build positive relationships with children and teenagers, and by doing so help make the school a safer more enjoyable place for others.