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Christmas Tree Safety

Remember About Safety During The Holidays

Following these safety tips will help ensure a happy and safe holiday season for you and your family: (insert Christmas tree 1) 
Select the location for your Christmas tree carefully, keeping it away from fireplaces, heating vents, and other heat-producing appliances that may dry out the tree.

Saw at least an inch off the trunk bottom. 

Mount the tree in a stand that holds water. Keep the water level above the cut. This will keep the tree fresh and green while reducing the risk of fire.

Do not use lighted candles or other flaming devices on or near your Christmas tree or near other decorations.

Use tree lights that bear the Underwriters' Laboratory (U.L.) label, and check the strings for signs of wear and tear. Do not use lights that are frayed or operate with missing or broken bulbs.

Exercise care with extension cords. Use no more than three sets of lights per extension cord. Do not place the cords under rugs or in paths of travel.

Check your smoke detectors. If battery powered, the batteries should be changed twice each year.  We suggest that you change the batteries twice a year.

Do not attempt to burn branches from the tree in your fireplace. Dry trees throw off a tremendous amount of heat and can create a dangerous fire.