Weather Alerts and Updates

Weather Alerts and Updates

  • Decatur County is under an Orange Travel Advisory

  • Trash service for Monday, January 6 and Tuesday, January 7 will not be picked up until Monday, January 13 and Tuesday, January 14. The Street Department will not run double pick up the week of January 6.

  • Recycling service through Rumpke will follow Trash service- there will be no pick up on Monday, January 6 or Tuesday, January 7.

  • Sign up for Code Red alerts and weather notifications:

  • The Board of Zoning Appeals meeting has been rescheduled for January 23 at 7:00 pm. 

Water Board

The Greensburg Municipal Water Board has general supervisory powers over the Greensburg Municipal Water Works and oversees daily operations.  The board approves contracts, and claims, and recommends ordinance changes to the Greensburg City Council. Water Board meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm in City Hall. If regular meeting falls on a holiday, then the meeting will take place on the following Wednesday.

To request to be on the Water Board agenda, please contact Water Superintendent Rick Denney by emailing


Tony Higgonbotham

Patrick Kennedy

Patrick Kennedy


Ryan Maddux