City Council
Members of the city council are part-time elected officials who serve four-year terms and can run for re-election as often as they wish. As a legislative body, the council exercises many of the powers given to cities through the passage of ordinances and the appropriation of money.
The council also has the power to form committees, either standing or special, to aide them in the completion of their work. Standing committees are permanent committees, set up at the beginning of the term of office, and are referred on all matters relating to specific subjects. Special committees are temporary. They are set up to handle a special subject and are discharged when the issue is settled. City Council meetings fall on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm, or following the adjournment of the Greensburg Board of Works. If the meeting date falls on a holiday, then it will be held on the following Wednesday.
To request to be on the City Council agenda, please contact Communications Director Kristen Williams by emailing or call 812-663-3344.
Chris Stephen, City Attorney:
City Council Members

Kevin Fleetwood
District 1

Rodney King
District 2

Jamie Cain
City Council President, District 3

Darrell Poling
District 4

Mark Carman

Vietta McKenzie